A sunny mountainous snowy peak once said to have been inhabitited by a god. Forests cover the ground level, im standing on a beach in awe of said Mountain towering over me. Then all sorts of deer, and other land animals flee from giant wolves one in particular looks mean and does not notice me. I get scared and make a run for a luxurious home apparently inhabited by all sorts of popular people and a party is had. They do not believe what I saw
This dream suggests a journey of exploration and encountering both awe-inspiring and fearful experiences. The sunny, mountainous, snowy peak represents your aspirations and ambitions. The god who once inhabited it symbolizes a sense of higher power or wisdom you might seek. The forests covering the ground level represent the unknown and untamed aspects of your subconscious.
Standing on the beach highlights the contrast between your position and the towering mountain, indicating a humbling and overwhelming feeling. The presence of various land animals fleeing from giant wolves suggests a threat or danger that you perceive around you. The mean-looking wolf represents a specific fear or challenge that you feel powerless against.
Feeling scared, you seek refuge in a luxurious home inhabited by popular people and have a party. This symbolizes a desire for safety, validation, and acceptance among others who seem to have it all. However, their disbelief in what you saw suggests a feeling of being misunderstood or unsupported in your experiences and perceptions.
Overall, this dream indicates a mix of both awe and fear as you navigate through obstacles and strive for fulfillment. It may be a reflection of your aspirations, fears, and the need for validation from others. It could be encouraging you to find inner strength and believe in yourself, even if others might not understand or support your journey.